Our friends arrive so we make our way down to the lobby of the hotel, which was swarming with fans. We found a bench to sit on right by the revolving door and just sort of waited and tried to figure out when we should leave for the show. We were talking and stuff when out of the corner of my eye I spot Jonathan walking towards the door. HOLY CRAP! You could tell he was in hurry and was looking at the ground, but I said hi to him anyway. He sort of turned and said hey and kept going. Poor guy almost crashed into the revolving door! I was so excited just to see him! I watched him walk right out of the hotel and head across the street and around the corner and thought to myself, holy shit, this is gonna happen and soon! He was all alone and no one followed him!
Krystal and I decided that we needed to leave, but our ride didn’t want to leave yet so we decided to take a cab to Hammersmith. THANK GOODNESS the bellman told us to take the Tube!! He said traffic would be bad. So we took off for the Tube station. As we approached the stairwell to take us underground, Krystal spotted Jon with a few fans. They were talking and he was smoking, so we just waited there. I, of course, started to freak out and Krystal quickly made me shut up! She later told me, she knew what was about to happen and didn’t want me effing it up! LMAO! I would have too if she hadn’t of practically slapped me!!! Jon finished his cigarette and started walking toward the stairwell near where he was smoking. We then headed down our stairwell and we ended up walking right in front of him. JONATHAN KNIGHT WAS FOLLOWING ME!!! LOL!!! He was chatting with some girls when I decided I just had to know why he was taking the Tube so I turned around and looked right at him and asked him why he was taking the tube by himself. He sort of giggled and said he needed to get out of the hotel. He said he felt claustrophobic and had to get out. I had a feeling no one knew he was doing this! He asked if anyone was going to the show and we told him we were and we would get him there safely! He said thanks and that he would follow us!
HOLY CRAP!!! Jon Knight is going to let us ride the train with him to the venue???? My brain could not comprehend this! Deep down inside I knew that I had to be cool as a cucumber so as to not screw up this amazing opportunity. Is this really about to happen????
We get to the ticket area and poor Jon didn't know what to do, so Krystal grabbed his arm and led him over to the ticket machine to help him by his ticket. Imagine standing there and seeing your best friend and your favorite New Kid huddled together trying to figure out how to buy a ticket! According to Krystal, Jon was impatient about buying what he needed and ended up buying a full day pass ticket. His last coin wouldn't work in the machine so Krystal gave him one and he handed his to her. She put it in her pocket. I couldn’t see any of what they were doing. All I could see were their asses!!! LOL!
They finish up and we head to the gates. As we are walking, Jon says that we don’t sound like we are from London and asks where we are from. I tell him California and he looks shocked. I said that I came all the way to London to meet him! You should have seen the look on his face! I hoped I hadn't scared him too much!
We took a long escalator down to the platform and just kind of made nervous chit chat. I think I told him I wouldn’t kidnap him! YIKES! I was still in a state of shock, but somehow managed to ask him for a picture. He was so sweet about it. He led me over to the Hyde Park tube sign so it would be in the picture with us! I’m still not sure how I was managing to function normally, or at least semi-normally. Krystal kept looking at me funny too, like don’t screw this up by becoming a blubbering fool! LOL
The train came and the three of us got on. I was standing right next to him and Krystal was across from him. Holy crap Jon Knight is right next to me!!! It is a tad bit awkward at first. Krystal sort of broke the ice by introducing herself to him. He repeated her name, which was so cute! Then he looked at me and I told him my name and he repeated it. WHOA! Jon Knight just said TINAH!!! We ended up chatting for the whole 20 minute ride. And I think I touched his arm at least 50 times! I think I couldn’t believe he was really there and just had to keep touching him. He must have thought I was a freak!
Once we got off the tube, we had to figure out how to get up to the arena! First I asked him to take a picture with Krystal! She never thought to ask for herself (she was thinking of me) so I wanted her to have one too! We came out into a shopping center and had no clue where to go. I thought we had to go up, so I got on the escalator and Jon followed me! Then we had to go back down! We finally figured out where to go! I was panicking a bit because I thought we would be late. He was like, you won’t be late you’re with me! Smart guy!!!
When we finally came up from the underground we couldn’t see the arena. Someone finally asked a stranger and they said it’s just around the corner! DUH! We came around the corner and he stopped dead in his tracks! He saw the long line and panicked a bit. I told him to put his hood on and Krystal asked him if he needed to call someone? He was going for his phone and then realized we were near the backstage area. So he turned to go that way. He turned and said thanks, waved and said he would see us in a bit!
After he left, I started crying! I just couldn't believe what had happened! I mean, riding a train for 20 minutes with Jon Knight from New Kids On The Block???? My favorite New Kid!!! It was surreal!!!
We went and got in line for 5*. It was cold and rainy, but I didn’t care. I just stood there crying like an idiot. People were asking what was wrong with me, it was funny! I had to call back to the US and tell some of my friends and family what had just happened. I think I was in shock!
We enjoyed our pre 5* mingling with people. There were so many people from other countries there. In fact, our group was made up of American’s, a Canadian and a German. Not a Brit in sight! LOL! We lined up to go in for the meet and greet. Surprisingly, and probably because I just spent a half hour with the man, I wasn’t nervous at all! When it was our turn to go, I headed straight for Jon! He smiles and says hi! He opens his arms and I go to him and hug him! I know I must have had the dorkiest look on my face too! He then says OH, I have something for you. I was like, you do???? I couldn't even imagine what it could be! So he reaches in his pocket and pulls out his tube pass. He hands it to me and says he wants me to have it. I said thanks, I will keep it forever. And he tells me that I should use it since there is money on it. In fact, he says it three times! So this millionaire is frugal, which I think is very cool!!!! I tell him three times there is no way I am using it and he just laughs and shakes his head at me! I go to Jordan and Donnie and do hugs and stuff. Then it’s picture time. Donnie is holding my hand and leads me over for the picture and in my mind I am screaming NO I AM SUPPOSED TO BE NEXT TO JON!!! So I look up at Donnie and say sorry, but I have to be next to Jon and I take off across the room to stand next to him! After the pictures, Krystal goes over to Jon and the two of them hug like old friends, it was so sweet. Then he asks us if we are taking the tube back and we say yes, why? He says that me (him) and the guys were talking and we (all 5 of them?) want to take the Tube back to the hotel but THEY won't let us (I am assuming security). So in our demented minds we firmly believe that Jon wanted us to take him and the other guys back to the hotel via the Tube but their security guys wouldn't let them!!! LOL!!!!
The Hammersmith show was incredible. The energy in the building was amazing. The guys were having such an awesome time! When Jon dropped his pants, I thought I was gonna die! The whole show was just awesome! The only thing that sucked was being GA and standing for sooooooo long! Our feet were in so much pain by the end. Poor Krystal had worn new shoes and couldn’t feel her toes! We waited for a bit for the floor to clear out then slowly made our way out. We were hungry, tired and sore so we decided to try and get a cab back to the hotel. What a joke! Finding a cab was next to impossible. So we started walking a bit away from the arena in hopes of finding one. Poor Krystal was almost crawling at one point! She even sat on a stairwell right in a puddle of water, but she didn’t care. At one point, as we are struggling to move, the guys bus passes right by us! LOL! We finally get a cab and pull up to the hotel, just as the guys do! Too funny! We went upstairs and ordered room service. We were starving! And, we were still on a high about our little adventure so we spent a few hours blogging and emailing friends and family! Room service food never tasted so good!

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