That was an email I got from Krystal on November 12, 2008! I said yes I do and the plotting began. We really, really wanted to do a 5* and had missed out in the US. The only place left was Europe. I told her she was crazy, but she was totally serious. I told her one, I can’t afford to go to Europe and two, my husband would think I was a nut. But she was determined! Being a world traveler, she had lots of airline points. She was wiling to use them on our tickets. Holy crap! Now we started trying to figure out where we would go: London, Paris, Germany, Amsterdam???? I casually mentioned it to my husband one day and he looked at me like I was crazy, just as I had suspected. We couldn’t make any definite plans until I got the ok, but Krystal had all kinds of scenarios worked out! London was our best bet as far as flights and using her miles would go, so that was our #1 place.
One night a few days before Thanksgiving, my husband called from work. He was bored and wanted to talk! After a while, I mentioned the Europe thing again and he said, didn’t you already buy the tickets? Go for it and have fun! I almost peed my pants! I called Krystal and we freaked out! She got online and the next thing I know we have 4* for the O2, 5* for Hammersmith and 5* for Sheffield. HOLY CRAP, I AM GOING TO ENGLAND AND I AM GOING TO MEET JON FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!
We had to wait two whole months before our trip and everyday I would have anxiety about meeting Jon. Back in the day we met all of the guys except for him. Well, we saw him twice and I shook his hand once, but never talked to him, got a picture, etc… The one time I was close to him, I completely freaked out, started crying, etc… He must have thought I was a nut! Krystal kept reassuring me that I would be ok, but I wasn’t so sure. I started having insomnia! It was horrible. I literally could barely sleep thinking about the trip and 5*. Something that should be so much fun was making me sick! LOL
My 40th birthday and the holidays flew by and before I knew it, it was January! It was finally time to leave for London. We had booked two different hotels for our stay but about a week before leaving found out where the guys were staying and made a reservation there! It was non refundable so we hoped our friend was right! By the time we landed in London we would know for sure if they were at this hotel, via text from our friend in London!
We got to SFO early and had dinner and just chilled! We were so freaking excited. I almost kind of started to forget that I would be meeting Jon soon. I actually slept on the plane, which was great! When we finally get to the gate, our flight is delayed! YIKES! We need to get there as we have 4* and don’t want to cut it to close! We leave like 2 hours late but make up a lot of time in the air so we don’t arrive too late! We take the Tube to our hotel and it’s an adventure finding it! We check in and get ready and head out quick!
We take the Tube to the O2, which is another adventure since there are closures, but we finally make it. We are jetlagged, need caffeine and are starving! The first thing we see upon arriving at the O2 is a Starbucks! Woooooo! We get caffeine and head in! We are too excited to eat so we go to our seats. We have 14th row on the left, yet again. The seats were good though as the guys would be running back from the B stage right by us! We end up sitting next to two people from Atlanta, GA!!!
The show was awesome, as usual! Joe’s new solo actually brought me to tears, which is odd as I am so not a Joey girl, but they way he sang those songs just hit me and I was an emotional mess! I ran back to the B stage again and had a great view! When the guys were running back from the B stage I saw a girl accidently slap Jordan in the face! OUCH! She was just trying to touch him, but ooooops! The O2 show was so much fun! The guys were having a really good time, we saw a new solo from Joe, I got close to the B stage, we met lots of new friends that night, and just overall had a fantastic time!
We decide to cab it back, since the Tube was such a pain in the ass! We cab it back and decide to wait outside for the guys to come back. It was freezing outside and duh, we could have stayed in the lobby, we are guests! We see them come back, which for us is pretty darn exciting, then without ever getting food, we head upstairs and fall fast asleep! It had been a long trip and we were pretty darn exhausted! Tomorrow is the big 5* and the meeting of Jon! Hehehehehehe!!!
Me at the end of the O2 show looking happy!!!
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