Today is our last show in the UK. Time has flown by!! We have a busy day today. We have to get to Heathrow, rent a car and drive a few hours north to Sheffield.
We get up pretty darn early and just brush our teeth and throw on some clothes. I have a headband in my hair and am looking just oh so pretty! We catch the tube to Heathrow and rent a car. We get GPS so we don’t get lost and we end up going the wrong way out of the airport and we drive for about 20 minutes the opposite way of London! We turn around and get on track! We hit the city and traffic is a nightmare. I am not sure how Krystal managed to navigate her way through, but she did! We didn’t get to the hotel til almost noon, so we were way behind schedule now.
Krystal went in to check out and I was hanging outside by the car, since she basically just pulled up to the front door! LOL! I am just standing there all alone, when Jon comes walking out of the hotel. He heads down the sidewalk, then sees me and turns and walks into the street to greet me! Oh yay! I am tired, haven’t showered, and I’m grumpy from lack of food and caffeine and here is Jon opening his arms for a hug! YIKES! I hug him then we talk for a few minutes and he heads off to Starbucks! It was crazy! I ran into the lobby to tell Krystal and she is like what is wrong with you? You look like you’re in shock. Um, I was! HAHAHAHAHA!
We get in the car and head towards Sheffield. I think it was supposed to take 2 hours, but we didn’t arrive at the hotel til 4. We had 5* so we got ready faster than we ever had before! We made it to 5* on time, barely. It seemed fairly small compared to the one at Hammersmith, which was cool! The girls at this 5* were all so nice and friendly. I met a few people from Scotland as well as England! And, I met Kelsie from Oregon! Turned out to be great as we became friends and spent more time together on other tours!
The meet & greet was pretty darn comical that night! Joe, Jon and I had quite a moment! Jon ended up whispering something in my ear, which almost made me faint. And the picture of me and Jon is funny as we are cracking up! That night I gave Jon a little Tube keychain as a present! I hope he kept it!!!
We had third row center seats, which were awesome! The show that night was great! At the end though, I was sad, as tomorrow it was time to go home.
BUT, there would be more adventures to come! 

The next day, Monday the 26th, was our sightseeing day. We said that no matter what we would go! We were pretty tired, but managed to get going about 11am. We head down the elevator and who do we run into in the lobby, Donnie Wahlberg! He was just coming in from who knows where! We took pics with him, then grabbed a cab.

We spent the day sightseeing. We took a double decker bus tour, which was very cool, we had some yummy Italian food and rode on the London Eye, which was amazing!!! We found a touristy gift shop and bought all kinds of London goodies! Then we hit up Starbucks and made our way back to the hotel! We are waiting for the elevator, when the doors open and who pops out??? Joe, Barrett and Griffin! We just say hi and go on up! We hang out for a bit in the room, then decide to do the Hard Rock Café for dinner. It was the original one and it was tiny!!! Dinner was good.

As we are making our way back up the street to the hotel, I see a tall guy in a leather coat. I immediately realize it’s Jordan!!! Krystal is freaking out. He is walking right towards us, so I say Hi Jordan can we take a picture? He said sure so Krystal goes to him. As she is fumbling for her camera she drops her wallet and he picks it up for her! She hands me the camera and I snap the pic. She grabs the camera from me and walks away! Jordan was walking towards me for a pic but she was already down the block! LMAO! I told him thanks and bye! It’s not often people run into Jordan so Krystal was freaking. She was shaking and trying to look at the pic. It was so funny!

We decided to sit in the lobby for a while just to see what we could see. Krystal got her laptop and we just hung out. First Donnie comes through and heads to the bar! Then Jordan comes in! He goes and sits in the lobby just a little bit away from us! All of a sudden Jon comes in! He recognizes us and says hello then he goes and sits with Jordan. Holy crap!
They are hanging out with Charlie and some other guy talking when all of a sudden I hear Jon’s voice and he is telling the guys about me and Krystal and the tube ride! OMG!!! It was funny to hear him talking about it! Eventually they both go upstairs and so do we. Tomorrow we have to go get a rental car at Heathrow and drive out to Sheffield for our final UK show! 

Today is our first 5* at the Hammersmith. We actually get up pretty early and are starved so we walk to the nearest Starbucks for food and caffeine! We just kind of chilled for a bit at Starbucks then head back. We have friends from London meeting us at the hotel so we have to get ready kind of early. As we were getting ready I never once thought about 5* and meeting Jon. It was kind of weird considering for two months I stressed out about it. But I think the excitement of being in London and getting ready to meet friends I’d only met on line, made me forget about it for a while!
Our friends arrive so we make our way down to the lobby of the hotel, which was swarming with fans. We found a bench to sit on right by the revolving door and just sort of waited and tried to figure out when we should leave for the show. We were talking and stuff when out of the corner of my eye I spot Jonathan walking towards the door. HOLY CRAP! You could tell he was in hurry and was looking at the ground, but I said hi to him anyway. He sort of turned and said hey and kept going. Poor guy almost crashed into the revolving door! I was so excited just to see him! I watched him walk right out of the hotel and head across the street and around the corner and thought to myself, holy shit, this is gonna happen and soon! He was all alone and no one followed him!
Krystal and I decided that we needed to leave, but our ride didn’t want to leave yet so we decided to take a cab to Hammersmith. THANK GOODNESS the bellman told us to take the Tube!! He said traffic would be bad. So we took off for the Tube station. As we approached the stairwell to take us underground, Krystal spotted Jon with a few fans. They were talking and he was smoking, so we just waited there. I, of course, started to freak out and Krystal quickly made me shut up! She later told me, she knew what was about to happen and didn’t want me effing it up! LMAO! I would have too if she hadn’t of practically slapped me!!! Jon finished his cigarette and started walking toward the stairwell near where he was smoking. We then headed down our stairwell and we ended up walking right in front of him. JONATHAN KNIGHT WAS FOLLOWING ME!!! LOL!!! He was chatting with some girls when I decided I just had to know why he was taking the Tube so I turned around and looked right at him and asked him why he was taking the tube by himself. He sort of giggled and said he needed to get out of the hotel. He said he felt claustrophobic and had to get out. I had a feeling no one knew he was doing this! He asked if anyone was going to the show and we told him we were and we would get him there safely! He said thanks and that he would follow us!
HOLY CRAP!!! Jon Knight is going to let us ride the train with him to the venue???? My brain could not comprehend this! Deep down inside I knew that I had to be cool as a cucumber so as to not screw up this amazing opportunity. Is this really about to happen????
We get to the ticket area and poor Jon didn't know what to do, so Krystal grabbed his arm and led him over to the ticket machine to help him by his ticket. Imagine standing there and seeing your best friend and your favorite New Kid huddled together trying to figure out how to buy a ticket! According to Krystal, Jon was impatient about buying what he needed and ended up buying a full day pass ticket. His last coin wouldn't work in the machine so Krystal gave him one and he handed his to her. She put it in her pocket. I couldn’t see any of what they were doing. All I could see were their asses!!! LOL!
They finish up and we head to the gates. As we are walking, Jon says that we don’t sound like we are from London and asks where we are from. I tell him California and he looks shocked. I said that I came all the way to London to meet him! You should have seen the look on his face! I hoped I hadn't scared him too much!
We took a long escalator down to the platform and just kind of made nervous chit chat. I think I told him I wouldn’t kidnap him! YIKES! I was still in a state of shock, but somehow managed to ask him for a picture. He was so sweet about it. He led me over to the Hyde Park tube sign so it would be in the picture with us! I’m still not sure how I was managing to function normally, or at least semi-normally. Krystal kept looking at me funny too, like don’t screw this up by becoming a blubbering fool! LOL

The train came and the three of us got on. I was standing right next to him and Krystal was across from him. Holy crap Jon Knight is right next to me!!! It is a tad bit awkward at first. Krystal sort of broke the ice by introducing herself to him. He repeated her name, which was so cute! Then he looked at me and I told him my name and he repeated it. WHOA! Jon Knight just said TINAH!!! We ended up chatting for the whole 20 minute ride. And I think I touched his arm at least 50 times! I think I couldn’t believe he was really there and just had to keep touching him. He must have thought I was a freak!
Once we got off the tube, we had to figure out how to get up to the arena! First I asked him to take a picture with Krystal! She never thought to ask for herself (she was thinking of me) so I wanted her to have one too! We came out into a shopping center and had no clue where to go. I thought we had to go up, so I got on the escalator and Jon followed me! Then we had to go back down! We finally figured out where to go! I was panicking a bit because I thought we would be late. He was like, you won’t be late you’re with me! Smart guy!!!

When we finally came up from the underground we couldn’t see the arena. Someone finally asked a stranger and they said it’s just around the corner! DUH! We came around the corner and he stopped dead in his tracks! He saw the long line and panicked a bit. I told him to put his hood on and Krystal asked him if he needed to call someone? He was going for his phone and then realized we were near the backstage area. So he turned to go that way. He turned and said thanks, waved and said he would see us in a bit!
After he left, I started crying! I just couldn't believe what had happened! I mean, riding a train for 20 minutes with Jon Knight from New Kids On The Block???? My favorite New Kid!!! It was surreal!!!
We went and got in line for 5*. It was cold and rainy, but I didn’t care. I just stood there crying like an idiot. People were asking what was wrong with me, it was funny! I had to call back to the US and tell some of my friends and family what had just happened. I think I was in shock!
We enjoyed our pre 5* mingling with people. There were so many people from other countries there. In fact, our group was made up of American’s, a Canadian and a German. Not a Brit in sight! LOL! We lined up to go in for the meet and greet. Surprisingly, and probably because I just spent a half hour with the man, I wasn’t nervous at all! When it was our turn to go, I headed straight for Jon! He smiles and says hi! He opens his arms and I go to him and hug him! I know I must have had the dorkiest look on my face too! He then says OH, I have something for you. I was like, you do???? I couldn't even imagine what it could be! So he reaches in his pocket and pulls out his tube pass. He hands it to me and says he wants me to have it. I said thanks, I will keep it forever. And he tells me that I should use it since there is money on it. In fact, he says it three times! So this millionaire is frugal, which I think is very cool!!!! I tell him three times there is no way I am using it and he just laughs and shakes his head at me! I go to Jordan and Donnie and do hugs and stuff. Then it’s picture time. Donnie is holding my hand and leads me over for the picture and in my mind I am screaming NO I AM SUPPOSED TO BE NEXT TO JON!!! So I look up at Donnie and say sorry, but I have to be next to Jon and I take off across the room to stand next to him! After the pictures, Krystal goes over to Jon and the two of them hug like old friends, it was so sweet. Then he asks us if we are taking the tube back and we say yes, why? He says that me (him) and the guys were talking and we (all 5 of them?) want to take the Tube back to the hotel but THEY won't let us (I am assuming security). So in our demented minds we firmly believe that Jon wanted us to take him and the other guys back to the hotel via the Tube but their security guys wouldn't let them!!! LOL!!!!
The Hammersmith show was incredible. The energy in the building was amazing. The guys were having such an awesome time! When Jon dropped his pants, I thought I was gonna die! The whole show was just awesome! The only thing that sucked was being GA and standing for sooooooo long! Our feet were in so much pain by the end. Poor Krystal had worn new shoes and couldn’t feel her toes! We waited for a bit for the floor to clear out then slowly made our way out. We were hungry, tired and sore so we decided to try and get a cab back to the hotel. What a joke! Finding a cab was next to impossible. So we started walking a bit away from the arena in hopes of finding one. Poor Krystal was almost crawling at one point! She even sat on a stairwell right in a puddle of water, but she didn’t care. At one point, as we are struggling to move, the guys bus passes right by us! LOL! We finally get a cab and pull up to the hotel, just as the guys do! Too funny! We went upstairs and ordered room service. We were starving! And, we were still on a high about our little adventure so we spent a few hours blogging and emailing friends and family! Room service food never tasted so good!

It all started with 5 little words: DO YOU HAVE A PASSPORT?
That was an email I got from Krystal on November 12, 2008! I said yes I do and the plotting began. We really, really wanted to do a 5* and had missed out in the US. The only place left was Europe. I told her she was crazy, but she was totally serious. I told her one, I can’t afford to go to Europe and two, my husband would think I was a nut. But she was determined! Being a world traveler, she had lots of airline points. She was wiling to use them on our tickets. Holy crap! Now we started trying to figure out where we would go: London, Paris, Germany, Amsterdam???? I casually mentioned it to my husband one day and he looked at me like I was crazy, just as I had suspected. We couldn’t make any definite plans until I got the ok, but Krystal had all kinds of scenarios worked out! London was our best bet as far as flights and using her miles would go, so that was our #1 place.
One night a few days before Thanksgiving, my husband called from work. He was bored and wanted to talk! After a while, I mentioned the Europe thing again and he said, didn’t you already buy the tickets? Go for it and have fun! I almost peed my pants! I called Krystal and we freaked out! She got online and the next thing I know we have 4* for the O2, 5* for Hammersmith and 5* for Sheffield. HOLY CRAP, I AM GOING TO ENGLAND AND I AM GOING TO MEET JON FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!
We had to wait two whole months before our trip and everyday I would have anxiety about meeting Jon. Back in the day we met all of the guys except for him. Well, we saw him twice and I shook his hand once, but never talked to him, got a picture, etc… The one time I was close to him, I completely freaked out, started crying, etc… He must have thought I was a nut! Krystal kept reassuring me that I would be ok, but I wasn’t so sure. I started having insomnia! It was horrible. I literally could barely sleep thinking about the trip and 5*. Something that should be so much fun was making me sick! LOL
My 40th birthday and the holidays flew by and before I knew it, it was January! It was finally time to leave for London. We had booked two different hotels for our stay but about a week before leaving found out where the guys were staying and made a reservation there! It was non refundable so we hoped our friend was right! By the time we landed in London we would know for sure if they were at this hotel, via text from our friend in London!
We got to SFO early and had dinner and just chilled! We were so freaking excited. I almost kind of started to forget that I would be meeting Jon soon. I actually slept on the plane, which was great! When we finally get to the gate, our flight is delayed! YIKES! We need to get there as we have 4* and don’t want to cut it to close! We leave like 2 hours late but make up a lot of time in the air so we don’t arrive too late! We take the Tube to our hotel and it’s an adventure finding it! We check in and get ready and head out quick!
We take the Tube to the O2, which is another adventure since there are closures, but we finally make it. We are jetlagged, need caffeine and are starving! The first thing we see upon arriving at the O2 is a Starbucks! Woooooo! We get caffeine and head in! We are too excited to eat so we go to our seats. We have 14th row on the left, yet again. The seats were good though as the guys would be running back from the B stage right by us! We end up sitting next to two people from Atlanta, GA!!!
The show was awesome, as usual! Joe’s new solo actually brought me to tears, which is odd as I am so not a Joey girl, but they way he sang those songs just hit me and I was an emotional mess! I ran back to the B stage again and had a great view! When the guys were running back from the B stage I saw a girl accidently slap Jordan in the face! OUCH! She was just trying to touch him, but ooooops! The O2 show was so much fun! The guys were having a really good time, we saw a new solo from Joe, I got close to the B stage, we met lots of new friends that night, and just overall had a fantastic time!

We decide to cab it back, since the Tube was such a pain in the ass! We cab it back and decide to wait outside for the guys to come back. It was freezing outside and duh, we could have stayed in the lobby, we are guests! We see them come back, which for us is pretty darn exciting, then without ever getting food, we head upstairs and fall fast asleep! It had been a long trip and we were pretty darn exhausted! Tomorrow is the big 5* and the meeting of Jon! Hehehehehehe!!!
Me at the end of the O2 show looking happy!!!
So after our cruise, Krystal and I started looking to see if there was anywhere we could still get tickets to see the guys. We had heard about 5* and really wanted to do that, but nothing in the US was available.
One day at work I decided to look and see what the closest venue to us would be. I saw Salt Lake City so I casually went into Ticketmaster to see what was there. 10th row tickets came up! I called Krystal in a panic and said let’s go to SLC. She was like, ok! So she bought the tickets and the next thing you know we are planning a weekend trip to Utah!
We decided to drive to save money (hahahahahaha) but booked a fancy hotel because we were convinced the guys would be staying there. This would be the beginning of some crazy decisions we would make in regards to the boys.
Stacy, Krystal and I met at my office and off we went towards Salt Lake City. We didn’t leave until about 3pm and it was going to be a long, long drive! We stopped in Carson City for some food and then kept going. We played MadLibs to keep ourselves occupied! OMG the things that were running through our minds as we played that game!!! We were having a blast! We got to SLC at about 5am, got a cheap hotel and slept for a few hours. We were planning on trying to find the guys, but after trying and trying, we failed miserably!
Our seats weren’t too bad. We were 10th row on the end on the left. A few times we ran up close to snap pictures since we were on the aisle. We knew all about the B stage so Krystal and I decided to run back there and try to get as close as we could. It was a smart idea! We got really close! I stood up on a chair and had an awesome view. I got great pics and video!
After the show we decided to wait at the back gate in the hopes of seeing one or more of the guys. At one point a van comes out and stops. Donnie jumps out and begins going down the line smacking everyone’s hands. Stacy was so excited!!! Unfortnately some stupid girls ruined it for everyone by running up to him. So he got back into the van and took off before he got to us.
They ended up not staying at the hotel we thought they would stay at, but we still had an awesome time! We drove home on Sunday and stopped in Reno for a little gambling and food. It was a long drive both ways, but the three of us had a blast and it was totally worth it!
The whole time driving home, I’m pretty sure Krystal was plotting something…

Who would have thought that after 14 years the New Kids on the Block would really be making a comeback! When I first heard about the “reunion” I was excited, then quickly my excitement turned to disappointment because I just knew in my heart Jonathan would not be a part of this. BOY WAS I WRONG!
Seeing him on the Today Show in May looking like he was having the time of his life got me really excited to see them perform live again. It had been so long since I’d seen Jon up on the stage!
Krystal and I were a little skeptical about the concert in San Jose. We only bought tickets to this show because one, we were afraid it might suck, and two, we had a trip planned the very next week after the show. We would later kick our own butts regretting not getting more tickets for other shows! And we knew nothing about 5* and would also kick our own butts over not getting to do that.
We ended up getting third row seats and as October drew near, I got more and more excited, while Krystal didn’t show much enthusiasm at all.
October 10th rolled around and for the first time I could actually see that Krystal was excited about this. I took the day off work and camped out outside of the entrance gates to the San Jose Arena with a friend. Not too much happened, but we did see both Donnie and Danny drive in.
Once Krystal got off work, we met up with a few friends from back in the day. We had dinner together and reminisced about the old days and talked about the show we were about to see!
One of our friends had front row seats that night directly in front of ours, so when the lights went down we decided we were going to move up to the front.
We got down to the floor and to our seats and who is about 10 feet away from us checking out Natasha Beddingfield??? JONATHAN! Like the total dork that I am, I screamed his name! He looked at me and proceeded to take off. I AM AN IDIOT! Just like in the past, I freaked out at the sight of him!
So the lights finally go down and the retrospective video begins and I feel tears coming to my eyes. I can’t actually wrap my head around the fact that this is indeed happening. Krystal and I hold hands and get ready! The boys appear on an elevated lift type thing and the tears begin flowing. This isn’t a dream, it is real and there is Jonathan R. Knight on the stage singing, dancing, and having the time of his life.
The show was incredible! You would never have guessed these guys hadn’t performed together in 14 years. When Jordan did Baby I Believe In You, you could have sworn it was Magic Summer Tour 1990 all over again. Hearing them sing their big hits as well as their new stuff was amazing. They all looked so good and seemed to be having the time of their lives! The excitement in the building was amazing. The show was amazing!
And as soon as it ended, Krystal and I realized we were so stupid for not getting tickets to more shows. We were sad, but had a cruise to get ready for. Who knew that that one regret would fuel us on to become crazy, in the lost our minds kind of way, fans in the months / years to come!!!

It was really hard to chose just ten and even harder to put them in order, so with the exception of #1, the rest are in no particular order:
10. The Today Show performance May 2008
The last time I saw NKOTB perform was Spring of 1994 and it was without Jon. I went to 4 shows and The Arsenio Hall Show on the Face The Music Tour and I couldn’t tell ya a darn thing about any of them! Once Jon left the group, I kind of checked out myself. When I heard rumblings of a comeback, my initial reaction was NO WAY IN HELL WILL JON BE A PART OF THIS! So I was very excited to be seeing them again after so long, and with Jon! I set the DVR cause darn work gets in the way, and had to wait until 5pm to see it. I think I sped home faster than ever that day. I ran in, threw my stuff down and hit the couch! I turned on The Today Show and fast forwarded to the spot. I had butterflies in my stomach! As the music started, the tears welled up in my eyes. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing! The boys looked great and sounded better than ever! Was this really happening??? They looked like they were having so much fun and the crowd was amazing! Seeing the smiles on their faces made me tear up even more. Something magical was happening here and I didn’t know it then, but it would turn out to be one of the most magical times of my life!!!
9. Seeing the guys perform live for the first time in San Jose, CA October 2008
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would actually see NKOTB again live, never! When the tour was announced, we only bought tickets to one show (we would later kick our own butts for doing that). They were coming to our area just a week before I was going on a cruise. The timing of the show worked out perfectly, but the ability to pay for a bunch of shows did not! We ended up getting third row tickets, which was exciting, and a friend of ours got first row! She was right in front of us, so we ended up moving up there when the lights went down.
So when the lights finally go down and the retrospective video begin I feel tears coming to my eyes. I can’t actually wrap my head around the fact that this is indeed happening. Krystal and I hold hands and get ready! The boys appear on an elevated lift type thing and the tears begin flowing. This isn’t a dream, it is real and there is Jonathan Knight on the stage singing, dancing, and having the time of his life.
The show was incredible! You would never have guessed these guys hadn’t performed together in 14 years. When Jordan did Baby I Believe In You, you could have sworn it was Magic Summer Tour 1990 all over again. The excitement in the building was amazing. The show was amazing!
8. Going to London and being at the Hammersmith show January 2009
It all started with 5 little words… DO YOU HAVE A PASSPORT? That’s what Krystal asked me one day out of the blue. We had been kind of joking about going to Canada to get a 5*, but nothing serious. She had been looking at the UK dates and decided we should try and do it. It was the best idea that BFF of mine has ever had! We got to go to the O2 show, which was amazing, so many people in that building! We were part of the crowd at Hammersmith, where the guys were on fire and Jon dropped his pants! And we got to see a show in a little town a few hours outside of London, that was awesome since it was only half of an arena and seemed more intimate! Oh yea and we had a little adventure with Jon Knight! Going to the UK was something I never thought I would do and it ended up being a trip of a lifetime!
7. Meeting all of my new NKOTB friends and reconnecting with the old ones
Where do I even begin with this??? So many amazing people have come into my life because of these 5 boys! Their comeback helped me re-connect with old friends, meet many many new friends and also get closer to my BFF!
The NKOTB message boards and twitter turned out to be such an awesome way to connect with people from all over the world! So many people have touched my life in the last two years, I can’t even list them all, but you know who you are. You have brought so much joy to my life, it was a pleasure sharing all of these crazy adventures with you all!!! You are all very special and important to me and I know that our friendships will last a lifetime! I thank NKOTB everyday for bringing us all together!!
6. Jon hugs!
Ahhhhhh, the most amazing hugs ever! Jon hugs people with such sincerity; you can feel it from your head to your toes! You know that he genuinely is happy to see you when you get one of his hugs!
My first Jon hug came in London in the 5* at Hammersmith. It was just the greatest hug ever! I had been reading and hearing about everyone’s experiences with him and couldn’t wait for my own! It was so worth the wait! One of my best Jon hugs was the next day on the streets of London, when I was loading the car and he was walking down the street! He saw me and came over and I got the biggest hug I think I’ve ever got from someone in my life! You can just feel the love from him!
I’ve had many Jon hugs over the past two years and each one has been awesome! Hugging Jon is like hugging a long lost friend!!!
5. Jon knowing my name, who I am, and ‘talking’ to him on twitter
Ok, so 20 years ago Jon was impossible to get close too! My friends and I met all the other guys on multiple occasions but never met the elusive Jon Knight! Who would have thought that in 2009-2010 I would not only meet the man, but he would know my name, know stuff about me, and “talk” to me on twitter! WHOA!
Funniest thing ever was the first time I got a DM from Jon! He had just joined twitter and he responded to something I said. I saw the notification on my phone and I screamed and threw the phone across the room! LOL! Luckily I didn’t break my phone. Jon says some funny stuff on DM’s that’s for sure!
My two favorite DM’s are the one he sent wishing me and hubby a happy anniversary and my happy birthday DM!!!
4. HOB - Boston December 2009
Back in the day, one thing I always regretted was not ever hearing them sing some of their Christmas stuff live. They were never in California at that time of the year. When HOB was announced, I just knew they would do some of the Christmas stuff so I knew we had to be there!
That night was so magical! The setting, the feeling, the anticipation from the fans, everything just felt special! When the guys sang Coming Home and did Christmas songs, it was just perfect!!! Seeing each guy have a moment with a fan (or family member in Danny’s case) was awesome! I will never forget how sweet Jordan was with Andrea (imnangl)! Seeing the guys sing on stage with members of New Edition was an epic moment as well!
The whole night felt special and I was so glad to be there to be a part of it! Gotta give my man props for limping around that stage on his recovering foot! Go Jon!
3. Jones Beach / Holmdel weekend
We had a lot of good weekends/trips on our journey, but this weekend in June 2009 was definitely one of the best as far as 5*’s and Jon interaction go!!! (Jordan interaction for Krystal!!)
For months I had been bugging Jon on twitter about saying my name! In the spring every time I saw him he said Hey You and it was driving me nuts! So I pestered! At the 5* in Jones Beach I walked in and he yelled HEY MISS TINAH! I almost fainted! One, he looked hot, and two he said it finally! LOL! We had a nice chat and I went to give him a kiss on the cheek. He is way taller than me so he turned his head before I hit the cheek and I ended up planting one on his neck! HAHAHAHAHA! Krystal also had a good 5* as Jordan finally asked her what her name was and when he repeated it to her, I thought she might faint! It was a fun 5*.
After our meet and greet we were hanging out by the water just chilling when I heard someone yelling my name. I turned around and Jon was standing up on the side of a van yelling for me. I was like, what???? He made binocular motions (binocular boy was born in Fresno, more on that when I post about that show) at us and laughed and waved! It was hysterical! Later that night we made binocular motions at him, which made him laugh!
Holmdel was also a great night. It was raining and miserable and Jon seemed a little off in 5*, but he did touch Krystal’s boob at one point (hahahaha she had embroidery on her track jacket) and he teased us about spending money (yet again)! On stage that night we were second row center and Krystal had lots and lots of stage sex with Jordan! Jon pointed at me during Favorite Girl, which made me giddy! LOL! It was a great weekend!
2. The KISS - Las Vegas July 2009
Ever have something so unexpected and unbelievable happen to you? Ever felt weak in the knees and like you were going to pass out? Ever feel like you are having an out of body experience? That would be me on Saturday July 11, 2009 in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas was my last 5* and Jon knew it. He had to go and mention it and make me cry (see pic)! He promised me there would be more, but I wasn’t convinced. He was funny when I was leaving the area, he said go back to your husband now! LOL
The concert that night was amazing. I think the guys might have been drunk! They were on FIYAH (as Rupi would say)!!
Jon usually tries to find me and wave at the end of a show he knows I’m at, but because I am so short and was in the second row, he really couldn’t see me. At the end of Hanging Tough he was searching the crowd. I was trying to wave, but again being short doesn’t help! He finally did see me and I was so excited (it’s the little things people!!!). I figured a wave, wink, something like that was coming. All of a sudden he is walking towards the stage and he starts to climb onto the railing! He asks the girls in front of me to move over and the next thing I know I am moving up a bit, he bends down and then plants a kiss on me! HOLY CRAP! He jumps back up to the stage and all of a sudden I get dizzy and literally feel like I am gonna fall over. I couldn’t breathe either. WTF had just happened???? Why me (not that I am complaining it was just so out of the norm for him)? I turned to my friend standing right behind me and said “did you see that”? She laughed at me! I was in total shock.
It was so out of the ordinary for him, but I thank the lord every day that he did what he did! That man is amazing and knows how to make everyone feel special!
1. Meeting Jon for the first time
It’s almost too weird to write down and talk about, the way we met him! It was an adventure I will never forget! The whole story will be blogged later, but riding the Tube with Jon and meeting him for the very first time will forever be the number one moment in any and all of my New Kids adventures!!!
Hi everyone,After some thought, I have decided to write a blog about my many adventures over the last two years with NKOTB. I never could have imagined two years ago that so many wonderful things would have happened to me, that I would meet so many amazing people, that I would travel all over the world to see these 5 boys that I love so much, and that I would finally meet and get to know my favorite guy of all, Jonathan Knight!I hope you enjoy my posts and that somehow my adventures will make you smile and feel the same excitement that I have been feeling since May of 2008!First up will be my top 10 moments! Will post soon!Tina